Thursday, May 1, 2008

Must See TV

My schedule evenings this week has been a bit off. I haven't talked to Maria too much this week, but I have Kim. She too is tuning in. I went to Bible study yesterday at the Y and not only did we also tune in via video, our facilitator was at the actual event over the weekend.

What is it that is going on?

It's revival.

I've been watching since Sunday online at If you have DirecTV or Skyangel I believe you can access it there as well. Todd Bentley is honestly just a guy who loves Jesus and is used mightily for God's glory. What I love about the Lord choosing THIS guy over most for this awesome outpouring is Todd by looks alone is the LAST guy the world would pick to lead a revival. My guess is even Todd would agree. He is covered in tattoos, his past before Christ wasn't just wild, I believe it was violent. Then God took hold, and Todd isn't violent, he's passionate.

He was to lead a weekend full of services last month in Lakeland, Florida. That weekend turned into a week, then two, then three, now four and counting. The events outgrew two large churches, a convention center and starting tomorrow with be at the Lakeland Tiger stadium, holding 15,000.

So far, every night is packed. People are hungry, thirsty and desperate not for Todd and the strange, funny and amazing way God is using him and the team there, they are hungry for Jesus.

And by golly, Jesus is there.

Even watching online I can tell you this is the real deal. I am a skeptic, cynic and what I am seeing and feeling in my own spirit I can tell you---you can't fake that. There is a prescence of God so strong on that stage people step on the platform and are not just falling over, they are flipping like fish out of water. There is holy laughter and reverent silence only to be immediately followed by wild worship that makes as our teacher's husband shared, louder than a touchdown between Ohio State and Michigan (which has 100,000). People have tried to control the handling of these evenings and they just can not. God is in control and He is having His way.

I've seen people with rods in their leg and decades of numbness start running around the building. Wheelchair bound folks are dancing. Muscles are growing. Are you a cynic? Those that exprienced the healing are going to the doctors to back it up with authentic documentation. The media is sniffing around, and they are invited because again, this isn't about Todd or the people, or even the angels people are seeing when they are worshipping and "slain in the spirit". It's about Jesus. It was over 2000 years ago, and it still is today.

A Tampa TV reporter showed up to cover the story but confessed she too was healed. Even in the stadium she was vomiting from migraines, something she has had for years. She went on stage to share she is a believer in Christ, but she also was healed. As someone with a heart for the media to know truth, I wept.

A similar thing is happening over at MorningStar where Rick Joyner serves. This movement is primarily youth led and the pictures alone get my blood turbo pumping. Kids ditching the Wii, skateboards, whatever and choosing to praise God? Again, you can't fake that my friends.

If you've watched water boil, I tell you this. The pan is hot and the bubbles are starting.

But mark my words, this is just the beginning.

I don't want to miss a thing.

This link will take you to an article about a young girl who was healed in Lakeland over the weekend. Although I missed this online, my friends were there and before I even read this article, they nearly word for word described the very same scene that is explained. It is worth a cup of coffee and five minutes to read. Then, find God.TV. at 7pm EST until 11.

And be amazed.

Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

Julie Arduini is a surrendered writer with her own blog, A graduate of the Christian Writers Guild, she blogs for the Christian Writers Forum Sundays as the mommy blogger and is the Forum's book club facilitator. She is active with FaithWriters and has several writings ready to publish in different books and anthologies in 2008-09. To get to know her better, read her interview by Lynda Schab at: contact Julie, please use the e mail provided in our profile.

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