Chapter 3
Belial was a seducing spirit sent to team up with other spirits for the total seduction of Hannah’s mind and emotions.
Belial means wicked, ungodly, evil, worthless, good for nothing. Attempts to wear you out and down. It is a demonic stronghold that reinforces patterns of shame. When Belial is active the shame is unbearable and overwhelms our faith. Some have committed suicide.
Belial works through a person or group that is a self proclaimed leader who administrates power through illegitimate authority. The person has an offense of lack of recognition and seeks others to join his/her side. Will gain spiritual authority and control/manipulate by twisting words in attempt to destroy unity. These leaders guide through rebellion. Deuteronomy 13
Belial is strong enough to manifest in sexual perversion even for a father to offer own daughter to be abused. Judges 19
Belial must be addressed and prayed against, ostrasized and rendered helpless by giving no place in church. Discipline necessary where there are attempts to disrupt unity
Belial will try to steal inheritance as Jezebel used Belial to falsely testify against Naboth.
Belial was so strong that even cattle was destroyed where belial spirit was found.
Belial has selfishness and self centeredness as 1 Samuel 30 where David’s men didn’t want to share spoils of battle.
Belial wants us worn down, feeling dead to the point of losing vision. Like a vulture picking piece by piece.
Strategies for overcoming Belial—through the power of the Holy Spirit
1. Be determined to fight for your blessings---like Hannah and Jacob
2. Have faith in the God of the possible
3. Realize your strength lies in warfare. Come out of the wilderness prepared like bride of Solomon and Esther come out prepared, anointed, cleansed and purified.
4. Be a covenant warrior. Only way to receive covenant blessing is through warfare. Soldiers surrounding marriage bed had swords at thigh representing strength and reproduction. Caleb was 80, still fighting and declaring, Give me my mountain!
Recognizing Belial at work
1. Physical attacks and weakness, worn out
2. Generational spiritual wickedness
3. Overwhelming shame and hopelessness
4. Lies, uncontrollable feelings of failure
5. Thoughts of suicide
6. Recognizing a thief in finances or losing inheritance
7. False accusations
8. Selfishness, greed, self centeredness,
9. Lust, perversion, unclean thoughts
10. Idolatry in any form
11. Lazy, lukewarm and compromising
12. Illegitimate authority, unable to trust and submit to authority
13. Natural or spiritual barrenness
14. Negativity
How to pray a prayer of deliverance and repentance
1. Renounce all ways you agreed with Belial’s lies
2. Ask the Lord to forgive you for each area of sin
3. Be specific in renouncing each generational pattern
4. Ask God to forgive ancestors and yourself for allowing Belial seat of authority
5. Break covenant with lies of Belial which you agreed
6. Agree with God’s word and what He declares over your life
7. Thank Lord for blood of Jesus.
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