Wednesday, July 30, 2008

He Gives Me Rest

(Photo taken by Julie Arduini/Clute Park, Watkins Glen, NY)

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matt. 11:28)

I have been weary and felt burdened lately, and I definitely need rest. My family and I are vacationing this week, and I am going to rest in Him, and just bask in the freshness of His presence. I have many things on my heart that He has placed there, and I’m laying them at His feet this week, and asking for direction.

So I will update you next week on what the Lord has shown me in my time of much needed rest.

Know you are Blessed,


Have you visited Christian Women Take Root? The Narrow Gate Invites girls are not only involved in the social networking site with fantastic groups to join but the main site called Take Root and Write. Regular columns are ongoing, check it all out. The best thing you could do with Take Root is sign up for the free subscription feed right to your in box. We'll see you there...and hey---if you have a blog, Take Root has a blog roll. Give your blog some exposure and be associated with a quality Christian site!

Maria and her family reside in NE Ohio. She and her husband are the parents of two. Their daughter is a person with hemipelegic cerebral palsy.
Because of her experiences, Maria provides parent-to-parent support for families involved in her local early intervention program. Her gift for writing has come directly from the Lord since her daughter’s diagnosis.
She writes a monthly column entitled, “Special Parents, Special Kids” for the Mahoning Valley Parent magazine in Ohio; and has expanded into Parent magazines in parts of Pennsylvania and West Virginia. She is also a columnist over with Kim, Julie and other writers over at Maria's column is on encouraging special needs familes.
She is also a contributing author at Maria's first published work is in Jan Ross and Jeanice McDade's Women of Passion's anthology, "Ordinary Women Serving an Extraordinary God". The book is available for purchase by clicking on the book image on the right side of this blog.
Maria is very passionate about getting the word out to special parents that they are not alone in their journey of raising their special child; and that they were chosen by God to parent their children. Maria welcomes comments and communication as well as invitations for her to speak to your group.

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