This past week I had the experience of writing and revising my first formal 'action plan.' It sounds so business like to me - action plan, strategic plan, p.o.a. meeting, . . . so many words and they sound so formal. I tend to be the creative type, one who has so many ideas swirling in my mind at one time. I am a do-er, a go-getter or as my husband says, "I know you like to 'fly off the cuff' or 'shoot from the hip' but a plan will help you to focus. Ahh . . . focus, now he had my attention.
So on a Saturday morning we sat down with our mission statement and began writing our action plan. It took a long time, was tedious and sometimes frustrating , but in the end we had a two page plan with a main goal, objectives, action steps, and measurement tools with dates. A visual plan, an action plan, a guide . . . with focus on Jesus.
Since then I have used 'the plan' as a guide. It has given me direction, helped me plan my days, and most of all it has helped me to stay focused. On a daily basis it reminds me of what He has called me to do while I am here on the earth in addition to being a wife, a mother, a daughter, a friend.
What does your plan or rather I should say what does 'His plan' for your life look like?
Sit down with a piece of paper, a pencil, and the Lord. Ask Him. I'm sure He will amaze you.
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