Wednesday, March 26, 2008


I heard Christian singer/songwriter Mark Schultz say recently about a particular song he wrote, “Next to the song title it states that it is written by me, but I didn’t write it the words-God did, I just happened to be in the room at the time.”

That’s exactly how I feel about almost every article I’ve written. I don’t have a background or education in journalism or writing, and prior to three years ago, I had never had the desire to write at all.

Until one day He gave me the idea. Almost instantly, I had the desire and confidence to start writing. A “wow” moment like that can only come from God. He not only placed the desire in my heart, He gave me the words He knows people need to hear---and He continues to give them to me month after month, week after week….

Now I’m sure some of you are thinking, “God could never use me, I don’t have anything to offer…He would never speak to me like that.”

Has God been telling you to do something you don’t feel qualified to do?

What is it that you started to do that you know could have only come from His strength and His love, and His guidance? Have you had “ideas” come to you that make no sense to your natural mind?

If He gave you the calling, He will see you through.

He will give you what you need—strength, courage, endurance, peace.

He did it for Gideon.

He did it for me.

He will do it for you.

Trust Him.

Maria and her family reside in NE Ohio. She and her husband are the parents of two. Their daughter is a person with hemipelegic cerebral palsy. Because of her experiences, Maria provides parent-to-parent support for families involved in her local early intervention program. Her gift for writing has come directly from the Lord since her daughter’s diagnosis. She writes a monthly column entitled, “Special Parents, Special Kids” for the Mahoning Valley Parent magazine in Ohio; and has expanded into Parent magazines in parts of Pennsylvania and West Virginia. She is also a contributing author at Maria is very passionate about getting the word out to special parents that they are not alone in their journey of raising their special child; and that they were chosen by God to parent their children. Maria welcomes comments and communication. If you would like to talk to her, please e-mail her. Our e mail address is in our profile.

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