Thursday, September 25, 2008

My Hope and My Heart

With everything in the news about the economy and the election, I was blown away by this video I received. At The Surrendered Scribe I try to summarize the election each week and this video speaks my heart. These are the important things. With the economy, the war, and so many things at stake to cause anxiety, my hope is in the Lord.

Please take a couple minutes and watch this video. It is powerful.

Julie Arduini is a surrendered writer with her own blog, A graduate of the Christian Writers Guild, she also blogs for the Christian Writers Forum Sundays as the mommy blogger. She is active with FaithWriters and has several writings ready to publish in different books and anthologies in 2008-09. One of the books will be a quote in Kathy Vick's Simon and Schuster/Howard's gift book, "Run Like a Girl."You can also find Julie the third Thursday of each month over at Take Root and Write with her column, Finding Freedom through Surrender. She facilates a group by the same name at the sister social networking site, Christian Women Take Root.

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