**On October 11th I will be leaving for a nine day trip to Romania. Two other women and I will be ministering in Oradea and a very remote gypsy village. Please join us in prayer as we prepare for our trip, keeping in mind the words revealed through the male cardinal. More details coming soon**
Friday, August 29, 2008
Written by The Narrow Gate Girls
**On October 11th I will be leaving for a nine day trip to Romania. Two other women and I will be ministering in Oradea and a very remote gypsy village. Please join us in prayer as we prepare for our trip, keeping in mind the words revealed through the male cardinal. More details coming soon**
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Of the Utmost Importance
Written by The Narrow Gate Girls

You can also find Julie the third Thursday of each month over at Take Root and Write with her column, Finding Freedom through Surrender. She facilates a group by the same name at the sister social networking site, Christian Women Take Root.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Finding Treasure
Written by The Narrow Gate Girls

You can also find Julie the third Thursday of each month over at Take Root and Write with her column, Finding Freedom through Surrender. She facilates a group by the same name at the sister social networking site, Christian Women Take Root.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Sit Still
Written by The Narrow Gate Girls
Sit still . . . words we ask of our children all the time. Sit still at the dinner table, sit still at your desk, sit still in the physician's waiting room, . . . sit still. When we ask we expect obedience. Yet when He asks what do we do?
Sit still.
Do not go and fold that basket of clothes. Do not answer the phone that keeps ringing. Do not get in the car and take care of your errand list. Do not sweep the dust bunnies that you can now see hopping under the couch. Do not keep thinking about all the things that you have to do, sit still.
Why is it so hard?
Confession time. This week I realized why it is so hard for me. I am afraid that I am not going to like what God has to say so it is easier to stay busy, make excuses, and hide from Him. Flesh in full force!
I fear that He may lead me into a different direction, one I may not like, want, or understand. Or He may ask me to do something I really do not want to do. Or He may want me to just rest and be still. I like being busy. Or He may ask me to wait . . . and I really do not like waiting. And the biggie, He may (He will) ask me to trust Him and that means I have no control.
Psalm 46:10 says, ""Be still, and know that I am God."
Be still.
This week, after months of trying to do things my way and feeling frustrated, abandoned, and disappointed, I surrendered. One morning when all was still quiet I sat in my family room with Him. I sat still. The first moments were very uncomfortable. But I continued to sit still and think about Him. I talked, He listened. Then I stayed quiet and soon I began to feel at peace. The rest of the day I tried to stay in that peace. I did not make any phone calls, I kept to myself, and I sat outside while my children played and tried to keep my mind clear. And in the stillness came revelation. Revelation that He needs me still to talk to me, to help me grow, and to ground me in His word. I realized things such as, How can I expect to go out and do, do, do when I do not really understand who He is? How can I expect to know and understand Him when I am not reading scripture? How can I share His love when I am unwilling to open myself up and let His love in? And how can I really expect Him to fully move in my life when I do not fully trust Him?
Trust Him. Big revelation. Not a little trust, not a some of the time trust, not as a last resort trust. Trust Him. Fully and completely. Trust Him. I really need to work on this one!
Be still and know that He is God.
Blessings, Kim
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Dive Bombin' Male Cardinals
Written by The Narrow Gate Girls
Remember my post about the blue heron?
Apparently this year, the male cardinal is the new feathered friend God is using to speak to my life.
It started in the Spring. There was a male and female that every day for weeks would visit our yard and chat. I don't mean just sing, I mean they would position themselves at the right angle so I could see them. One time they were so close they were on the deck and just talking away. To me. I'm not kidding.
One day I was pulling in the driveway after an odd act of obedience at Starbucks and the cardinals greeted me and flew with me until I parked, and I didn't see them for about a month.
This summer, it has been all about the male cardinal.
There was a male cardinal following me both times I was in Upstate NY. There is a male cardinal in our neighborhood that is often in our yard. I believe three times a cardinal has dive bombed me either while I'm driving or walking.
I am convinced this is a God message for me.
What's funnier, is it isn't just happening to me. Kim is experiencing the same thing, and so is a friend of ours, author Joy Chickonoski.
Our research so far has yielded the distinct ardinal call, which to some sounds like "pretty". This would be a good message as I know I struggle with self esteem issues. We've learned that the male is a defender and guard. That's a good thing to know as each of us are moving forward in ministry to places, people, and situations we've never known. There is a saying "new level, new devil" and for me, it's accurate. I hunger so deeply to know the Lord more intimately and each step forward seems like another blast into the wilderness.
Kim shared that the word cardinal, from Wikipedia, means:
The word cardinal comes from the Latin cardo for "hinge" and usually refers to things of fundamental importance, as in cardinal rule orcardinal sins.
Both Kim and I were both reading about Daniel and without the other knowing, wishing he were around to interpret this cardinal thing for us. I believe in His timing, we will know, and it will be good. This I know because He is good.
I just am thankful so far the dive bombing cardinals are not leaving me any messy presents!
Julie Arduini is a surrendered writer with her own blog, http://thesurrenderedscribe.blogspot.com/. A graduate of the Christian Writers Guild, she also blogs for the Christian Writers Forum Sundays as the mommy blogger. She is active with FaithWriters and has several writings ready to publish in different books and anthologies in 2008-09. One of the books will be a quote in Kathy Vick's Simon and Schuster/Howard's gift book, "Run Like a Girl."
You can also find Julie the third Thursday of each month over at Take Root and Write with her column, Finding Freedom through Surrender. She facilates a group by the same name at the sister social networking site, Christian Women Take Root.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Written by The Narrow Gate Girls

My prayer is that you can declare it for yourself…
Be Blessed,
I am ready to receive all if the promises and blessings form the Lord. I am left most days with exhaustion from holding on so tightly to my chains from the past…I want only to be worn out from serving the Lord more fully. To do what He’s called me to do with my whole heart. I want His light to shine through me wherever I go; in all that I do. With this freedom from my bondages will come peace like I’ve never known.
In my natural mind, I always thought I needed to be tied down to these chains, strive every day to push down the Mary in me. My version of Martha has been guilt-driven. “ I need to do more of this, I need to be more like that/her.” In my world, I ‘ve always thought that Martha’s are more loved, more accepted-so I need to be more like them. I’ve always thought I am not a good mother unless I am constantly outwardly worrying about my kids. I am not a good wife if I’m not always outwardly commenting on all of the housework that has to get done-to prove to others that I care about it, after all, there are so many women I know that “get it all done.”
Why can’t I? There must be something wrong with me, that I want to take some time just for me; even though I work full-time—just for me…to prioritize my relationship with God.
Who has time for that? What would all of my Catholic family thin k of that? They would think, “She’s gone off the deep end….she actually believes she has a relationship with God. Who does she think she is?”
I will no longer be sucked in to this façade the enemy has created and wants it to be my reality-forever. He knows I am a Christian; and I have accepted Jesus. But he knows exactly with what and where to take captive my thoughts and direct them in the path he wants them to take. I will no longer allow him to take control.
God is in control, He has forgiven me and He loves me unconditionally. He wants me to be free—He wants me to love myself the way He loves me.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Dispensers of Grace
Written by The Narrow Gate Girls
Julie Arduini is a surrendered writer with her own blog, http://thesurrenderedscribe.blogspot.com/. A graduate of the Christian Writers Guild, she also blogs for the Christian Writers Forum Sundays as the mommy blogger. She is active with FaithWriters and has several writings ready to publish in different books and anthologies in 2008-09. One of the books will be a quote in Kathy Vick's Simon and Schuster/Howard's gift book, "Run Like a Girl."
You can also find Julie the third Thursday of each month over at Take Root and Write with her column, Finding Freedom through Surrender. She facilates a group by the same name at the sister social networking site, Christian Women Take Root.
To get to know her better, read her interview by Lynda Schab at:http://www.faithreaders.com/featured-author-details.php?id=33%20
To contact Julie, please use the e mail provided in our profile.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Re Visiting The Cable Guy
Written by The Narrow Gate Girls
I'm still away from the computer so let's revisit one that still strikes a chord with me. Why? Because I'm not sure I've grown here too much since writing this one. My heart is to encourage others to surrender their fears yet here I am...still doubting the cable guy, God, and everything else.
How about you?
Do You Trust Him Now?
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Re Visiting the Welcome Mat
Written by The Narrow Gate Girls
Friday, August 8, 2008
Written by The Narrow Gate Girls
Today is going to be a big day. I am waiting with high expectations. It is 8/8/08.
In June I had a dream and I saw the numbers 8/8. We were away from home at the time so when we returned I drew a heart around the 8th of August on our calendar and wrote 'God's Plan Revealed.' I had no idea what the date meant but I had high expectations of something big. A few weeks later I was on the web site of Morningstar Ministries, located in Fort Mill, NC and clicked on the forty day fast video by Rick Joyner. He spoke of a prophetic dream that Bonnie Jones, wife of Bob Jones, had. In the dream she was given a key that had 341 on it. Then she was told that is would be "40 days to the Joseph Company, August 8, 2008. (For more information and explantion please go to morningstarministries.org)
I had 'goose bumps' and almost fell off my chair. My first thought, 'Could God be revealing something to me too? Followed by, 'Nope. Not me. Not the doubter, the sinner, the swayer, the one with all the questions, and recently the one who had to confess that for several weeks I was angry and disappointed with God and that I had been avoiding Him, reading scripture, my prayer time and really questioning His existence. ' What a fool am I!
Well weeks passed, I waited with anticipation for August to come, and then disappointment came upon me through a personal family situation. And then more disappointment came, again. I told my husband if he said the word 'delay' one more time I was going to loss it. And with disappointment came doubt, not prayer, seeking God, or an increase in faith, but doubt. I was angry with God but I would not admit it. Instead I pushed it aside and let doubt abide. Then this past Wednesday came, it was time for small group. With tears in my eyes that evening, I confessed my doubts and layed them on the table for all to see. In many ways I did not even realize they were there until I said them. It was as though I had been running from them, 'keeping myself busy,' so that I did not have to feel the disappointment in my heart. Our facilitator asked me many questions, offered words of encouragment, and challenged me to seek Him and get back into my bible. On the ride home I felt challenged and the next morning I confessed my feelings to God and returned to His word. I felt like a lost child returning home.
Deuteronomy 31:8 says, "The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."
In all my doubting, wandering, questioning, and pouting He still remains right here. Beside me, in front of me, and all around me. Thank you Jesus for the gift of forgiveness!
And so today I sit with Him and anticipate the day. At 5:30 god tv will be airing the service at Morningstar this evening. You can also webstream it live through morningstarministries. com
Come and anticipate with me, Kim
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Free Fallin'
Written by The Narrow Gate Girls
Julie Arduini is a surrendered writer with her own blog, http://thesurrenderedscribe.blogspot.com/. A graduate of the Christian Writers Guild, she blogs for the Christian Writers Forum Sundays as the mommy blogger. She is active with FaithWriters and has several writings ready to publish in different books and anthologies in 2008-09. She is the tentative debut interview on surrender/fearlessness for Kathy Vick's upcoming website, Run Like a Girl. To get to know Julie better, read her interview by Lynda Schab at:http://www.faithreaders.com/featured-author-details.php?id=33%20To contact Julie, please use the e mail provided in our profile.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Your Calling
Written by The Narrow Gate Girls

Can your calling be part of your actual employment? Absolutely.
But the calling I’m speaking of is one that should come to mind instantly—thoughts or ideas that could have only come from Him.
Do you know what I am talking about?
I feel that He’s sending me these words at this particular time, because there’s something that He’s placed in all of us that He wants to make sure we listen to.
His Calling.
The ringtone is one that can’t be purchased to download to your cell phone.
It has it’s own sound. Some of us take years to hear this one-of-a kind sound, while others get used to the fact that His voice is calling out to them for a specific purpose.
However and whenever He’s called you, I’m sure you recognize that His calling is unlike anything you experienced up until that exact moment.
Do you need to hear Him calling, or have you already had the moment of revelation that can only be attributed to Him calling you to do something that He’s placed deep within your heart?
I can only speak from my experience….and I know He’s literally called me to write these words for you.
At this moment.
Right now.
He’s called me to do many things….at first, I thought to myself, “Lord, you’ve already called me to something, call someone else for this! I know many people who are waiting to hear from you to let them know what Your plan for their life is!”
Then He said, “They’re not you. I’m calling you for these two things, and I will give you everything you need to fulfill my purpose for your life. If you’ve truly given your life to Me, you will trust me, and lean on me, and truly rest. I will take care of it. These things are part of my purpose for you, not anyone else.
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. And those he predestined he also called; those he called, he also justified, those he justified, he also glorified. …..If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:28)
The fact that God almighty in all of His sovereign power predestined me to write these words for you absolutely amazes me. He has things He wants me to accomplish so that His name can be glorified overwhelms me---He’s called me.
Almost four years ago, He petitioned me to write for families of children with special needs. I never wrote anything in my life besides term papers for school. He persuaded me to pick up the phone one day to call the editor of our local Parent Magazine and ask her why she had a woman from another state write in our local magazine about parenting a special needs child.
When I look back on that moment, it was like an out-of-body experience. It had to be God.
There is no logical reason why I did such a thing.
She proceeded to tell me that she never could find a local writer that was qualified to write on the subject.
As I’m sure you already know, if it doesn’t seem logical to your natural mind, it’s probably from Him.
I have been writing that monthly column ever since that conversation.
It comes very naturally to me to get words out for “special” parents like my husband and I that need to know they are not alone.
I never wrote any words anyone needed to hear. Some nights I start out with a blank screen, I have a deadline in 24 hours, and within one hour, He gives me up to 800 words that need no editing.
I know that I know that one day all of the themes that are present in my column will be part of a book for special parents.
He is my editor.
He gives me the words and I put my fingers to keys in obedience.
The way I am at the moment.
I thought that since I am obeying every month, I was good to go. He called. I listened, and acted—and I continue to do it, so this must be my calling.
Then, He started to let me know that I should write down all of my thoughts during my time in getting to know Him better, not just words that He gives me for parents.
Now He was asking me to stretch myself and tell the world about my relationship with Him.
Here I am.
The Narrow Gate has opened, and I am obeying….
So, now for sure I thought I had this calling thing all figured out. I went out on a limb with Him guiding me, and now I was OK.
So I thought.
In my True Worship post I touched on the fact that He was calling me to worship Him way before I even knew what worship was.
He gave me the gift of singing many years ago, and without going into a very long rendition of my past singing experiences….I put my childhood dream of singing on a shelf many years ago. I reserved myself to believing I wasn’t good enough, and that was that.
Up until recently.
It has been prophesized over me two times that He wants me to stop being hard on myself and truly worship Him. That women will be broken out of bondages of their past with my worship, and give their lives to the Lord.
The sound of those words were very powerful when they were spoken over me, but to see them on the screen just sent a chill through my body.
I’m sure that was Him.
So now I’m in the praying stage. I am searching and praying for Him to give me signs of where and how exactly He wants me to worship.
He is challenging me.
He is stretching me daily.
What is He calling you to do?
Do you hear the tone of His voice?
Have you heard it and have been trying to avoid it because you don’t feel qualified?
He has already qualified you.
He will give you what you need when you begin to obey.
Are you ready to obey?
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
The Levite Portion
Written by The Narrow Gate Girls
God is my portion.
He is enough.
As Psalm 16:5 states: “Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure.”
Joshua 13 and 18 really drove the point home. The Israelites received their lot of land, their portion. Imagine leaving a horrible place, traveling with other kin folk and you make it to the Promised Land. They call out you family name and what kind of land you get.
Smith—Nice fertile land with cute ranch house.
Jones—Lucious green acreage with a mansion (I mean would you expect any less from the Jones’? We are always trying to copy them, after all)
Smythe—low land that floods easily with a mobile home park filled with toys and garbage
Your name—The Lord.
That’s the picture I get from Joshua 13 and 18 and the Levite tribe. Folks lined up for their land announcement. The Levites—no land. Their portion was their service as priests to the Lord. That was their inheritance.
From Joshua 18:1-7: “The whole assembly of the Israelites gathered at Shiloh and set up the Tent of Meeting there. The country was brought under their control, but there were still seven Israelite tribes who had not yet received their inheritance. So Joshua said to the Israelites: “How long will you wait before you begin to take possession of the land that the Lord, the God of your fathers, has given you? Appoint three men from each tribe. I will send them out to make a survey of the land and to write a description of it, according to the inheritance of each. and the house of Joseph in its territory on the north. After you have written descriptions of the seven parts of the land, bring them here to me and I will cast lots for you in the presence of the LORD our God. The Levites, however, do not get a portion among you, because the priestly service of the LORD is their inheritance. And Gad, Reuben and the half-tribe of Manasseh have already received their inheritance on the east side of the Jordan. Moses the servant of the LORD gave it to them.”
So often I get tripped up in worry, jealousy or even coveting because I see others receiving their portion and as my ten year old would say, it’s “sweet.” We aren’t a family that knows the palm trees of Florida, the ears of Disney or the pineapples from Hawaii. That’s not our inheritance or portion. For the longest time I felt we lacked because we didn’t have those things, places, or lands.
But here is what God showed me as my portion:
1-He has given me the supernatural gift of faith, intercession, and encouragement. I am able to believe God to be big in a person’s situation and pray through it. As the years pass I’m realizing this isn’t something everyone has. God gave me such a generous portion here, and I never realized it. I love He would choose me as a vessel this way. Lives are changed for Him, and I didn’t need any land at all! Just the Lord.
2-He gave us two children who clearly have a calling on their life that is only partially defined so far. I’m not saying my kids are better than anyone’s, not even. I sense they are set apart, and that might not mean missionary to Africa, it could be teaching at a school or giving presentations to audiences about His goodness. Whatever it is, I sense it and am committed to pray for the Lord to direct their steps, not me. I’m not praying they get to cruise the Bahamas and inherit exotic lands.
3-As an intercessor, a praying person who gets direct orders from God to pray on things until He tells otherwise, the last couple years has opened doors to pray for organizations, people, and things to come I can’t believe. Often I treat this as a burden as often He wakes me at night to chat about a country, a person, a place. Not because He needs me or else, He wants me. What a portion!
You have a Levite portion. What is your Godly inheritance that perhaps you kicked the dirt thinking you got cheated and instead realized you have something even better than Willy Wonka’s Golden ticket?
(Additional resources used online by
Julie Arduini is a surrendered writer with her own blog, http://thesurrenderedscribe.blogspot.com/. A graduate of the Christian Writers Guild, she blogs for the Christian Writers Forum Sundays as the mommy blogger. She is active with FaithWriters and has several writings ready to publish in different books and anthologies in 2008-09. She is the tentative debut interview on surrender/fearlessness for Kathy Vick's upcoming website, Run Like a Girl. To get to know Julie better, read her interview by Lynda Schab at:http://www.faithreaders.com/featured-author-details.php?id=33%20 To contact Julie, please use the e mail provided in our profile.