Monday, October 25, 2010

Sandie Freed's Crushing the Spirits of Greed and Poverty

Lately I've felt a God tug to study "Mammon" and how to be a prayer warrior in this area. Sandie Freed has a great book out on this very subject and I'm learning so much. I think the whole Mammon issue is behind so much our country is dealing with--apathy, poverty, materialism and more.

This book is important enough to me that I plan to jot down my notes and share them here.  Please, please, please get the book. I'll only highlight key points that spoke to me.  It's a rich (pun intended) book filled with life changing information.

 Purchase here

Here are the notes just from the introduction by Chuck Pierce.
Notes on Sandie Freed’s Crushing the Spirits of Greed and Poverty:
Discerning and Defeating the Ancient Powers of Mammon and Babylon

Chuck Pierce:
This book is a war manual that defines an enemy and gives strategy for contending.

Poverty is refusing to become what God has created and destined us to be. It includes the mindset of not believing that the Lord can branch us into the fullness of His plan. Poverty is also the fear that we will lack. Poverty is the voice that says, “God is not able.”

Poverty takes hold through oppression and wrong authoritative structures (Isaiah 5:8) Fear can cause us to develop a mentality of covetnous or gluttony.

We can plant. We can watch our crops grow. We can even enjoy a harvest. But if we do not take an opportunity to gather and steward the harvest, a strategy of poverty will develop against us.

We combat poverty through kindness and generosity to others. Provide them access to our excess.  Think Boaz.

Develop reaping strategies.  Amos 9:13.

Buy this book, read it, and make a decree after reading this book that you will see all things restored.

Mammon---a god that attempts to rule us by aligning with structures that caused interest rates to exceed godly bounds. (Nehemiah 5:1-5)

Mammon creates fear and unwillingness to face our enemy. Proverbs 22:13 Faces us to succumb to persecution of faith. 2 Corinthians 6 and 8). Mammon forces us into debt and financial defeat.

The love of money, philarguria, is avarice, greed, covetness. Wrongly desire possessions of others. If we aren’t careful, money will produce the fruit of covetousness in our hearts. The deceitfulness of riches, a perceived power that comes with money, is another issue. (Mark 4:19) This produces an attitude of the heart that seeks to manipulate through false pretenses and appearances.

Ask the Lord to shine His light on all darkness linked with the spirits being addressed here so you can see.

Surrendering the good, the bad, and---maybe one day---the chocolate
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Julie Arduini: The Surrendered Scribe BookSneeze Review: "Big Red" Holy Bible for Children featuring 3D Art
TwitterLatest tweet: As I write I'm catching up on dvr watching. #theevent. Not sure what to think on this one but I keep coming back. #smallville was perfection
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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Narrow Gate Still Invites

Knock knock knock...


Anyone there?


We can't blame you if you aren't but we're trusting God that someone out there is still around. Although I haven't seen Maria, I know she is busy with family. When I caught up with Kim we were amazed at how identical the themes were in our lives.

 Kim still has a heart for the gypsies in Romania and things are busier than ever for her. I'm writing and spent most of this year creating devotionals called Already a ChampION:30 Devotionals Proclaiming You Aren't the Defeated One. Yet both of us realized of all the things God could do with our lives, He is doing this--
taking us through the narrow gate.

Funny thing is, we thought we'd been there and done that. We accepted the call to serve Him no matter what. He let us both know the gates continue. This is a step up and it's more narrow than ever. The baggage called my expectations for other people is strapped on my back and I keep getting caught on the gate. God has lovingly let me know I'm not going through the narrow gate until I let the baggage go.

Promises narrow gate Pictures, Images and Photos

It. has. been. so. frustrating.

The biggest revelation God gave me was that I bring my "A" game to nearly everything I do, and I expect everyone to do the same. They probably bring their "A" game, but they don't bring mine. Imagine the frustration. Hence, the image I have of me trying to pass through the narrow way to only get caught by the things on my back.

So that's where I've been, and it's a little update on Maria and Kim, too. I'm reading a great book that I'm learning so much from. Stay tuned to learn what it is. I'll be posting notes here from time to time because the information is that good and relevant.

How about you? Can you relate to God calling you to a new, more narrow place? How are you dealing with it?

Surrendering the good, the bad, and---maybe one day---the chocolate
Contact Me LinkedIn Facebook
Julie Arduini: The Surrendered Scribe BookSneeze Review: "Big Red" Holy Bible for Children featuring 3D Art
TwitterLatest tweet: As I write I'm catching up on dvr watching. #theevent. Not sure what to think on this one but I keep coming back. #smallville was perfection
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