Friday, June 3, 2011

Destiny Thieves Chapter 6

I continue sharing notes from Sandie Freed's Destiny Thieves, a must have if you are called to pray.  Purchase here!

Chapter 6
The Amalekite spirit attacks the Aarons and the Hurs. Pastors weep feeling no one is supporting them, they have no race left to run. They feel betrayed, helpless and have loss of vision. The Amalekite spirit wants to destroy the Aarons and the Hurs, the ones who hold up the arms of leaders.  Amalekite spirit also wants to sell Aaron and Hur birthrights.

Amalekites are wanderers—lack of commitment and church membership. Those afflicted will TV channel surf for a pastor and will be conference addicted with no accountability. The Amalekite doesn’t want the  Aarons and Hurs to be planted. There will be disunity, lies within congregation.

Defeat by confess promises, stay in God’s word and meet corporately with believers. Travail with every promise until we birth God’s plan for our lives. Aarons and Hurs, be aware that satan lies in wait to separate, isolate, deceive and seduce into sin and apostasy.

How to Receive a Name Change
1.      Make a decision that is time to change
2.      Realize the enemy has lied and that you believed the lie concerning yourself and others
3.      Repent for believing lies and receiving a false name from enemy
4.      Begin to believe what God says about you
5.      Become determined and know that receiving new name from God is worth fighting for
6.      Don’t let go until you get it

Make a bold confession against
1.      Any physical infirmity, lack of self discipline, helplessness and loss of vision
2.      Compromise, lack of self discipline and indulgence of the flesh
3.      Becoming a spiritual nomad and not being firmly planted
4.      Remaining in darkness where Amalekite attacks
5.      Selling your birthright and compromising your call in God.

Surrendering the good, the bad, and---maybe one day---the chocolate
Read The Surrendered Scribe Blog Head’s Up and Save the Date

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