Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Destiny Thieves Chapter 5

I'm sharing my notes that I learned along the way while reading Sandie Freed's Destiny Thieves, a must have for anyone that is called to pray and stand in the gap in Jesus' name. These are small notes, so much more in the book. Please purchase!

Chapter 5
The Amalekite destiny thief is the one satan assigns to seduce us into wickedness. Story: choir member who lost anointing for backsliding back into sexual perversion. Disunity in choir, one day she couldn’t sing a note. She knew her sin caused a loss of anointing but she wouldn’t destroy all of Amalekite.

Under Amalekite spirit we attempt to hold onto the best of what makes us feel good and not completely consecrate our hearts and mind to God. It’s a stronghold that encourage us to be disobedient and continue to embrace sin and compromise. Seduction involves persuading a person to believe a lie.

Amalekite strategies:
  1. Target a person
  2. Person seduced, opening door to the spirit
  3. Person enters into sin
  4. Person gives the enemy a seated position in his or her life
  5. Spirit gains a stronghold
  6. Person begins to backslide
  7. Multiplied defilement occurs
  8. Destiny aborted
Witchcraft is a demonic system that gains power through control and manipulation, seducing people into rebellion and stubbornness. Where there are rebellious hearts there is witchcraft.

Amalekite is strong territorial spirit. When Paul went to Corinth he was influenced by spirits that operated within city. New Orleans can bring strong witchcraft assignments against people.

Amalekite preys upon our weaknesses and wants us to be cursed. Wants us to doubt God and seduces us with Money. Ex: Achan. When Amalekite spirit influences a city greed and power are at an accelerated high. Drugs and crime at peak because money comes illegally. Curse over entire city until prayers of repentance and intercession.

Surrendering the good, the bad, and---maybe one day---the chocolate
Read The Surrendered Scribe Blog Head’s Up and Save the Date

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