Friday, May 2, 2008

A Plan Just For You


Some may say that I am a dreamer while others may say that I am not content, some may call me a visionary while others may say I am impractical and my ideas lofty . . . but I know what the Lord says, "I know the plans I have for you, " declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Plans . . . hope . . . and future, such powerful words from Almighty God! He loves each one of us so much that he has plans for us, plans for you and plans for me. He has plans to give us hope and a future. Think about that! We were created with a plan in mind, a purpose, and a future to be carried out. Wow, how overwhelming is that!

Tomorrow morning I will be boarding a plane to attend a 'Summit' focusing on the orphaned. This is a burden the Lord placed in my heart many years ago that continues to get heavier and heavier. Others have tried to convince me that I have already 'done enough' by being an adoptive mother, stay at home mom of three , . . . but I keep going back to Jeremiah 29:11 and I know in my heart that His plans and purpose for me are bigger than what I can see in the present and what looks practical, aka 'the dreamer.'

What plans does God have for you? What drives you? What are you passionate about? What tugs at your heart? What brings you joy? What makes you 'feel alive?' Amidst all that you will find your purpose. And remember, He already has the plans drawn up! Blessings, Kim

Maria and Julie's note: Kim is now at this summit. Would you join us in prayer? We're believing God is going to clearly direct Kim's path in her love for the orphaned children. We can't wait to see what God is going to do through this!

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